Sunday, August 14, 2016

Running and weekending

Started #Sunday with a #kickass #run! I couldn't find my ankle brace so I #ran without it, which felt fine. A little slow on the pace but I went up and down through heritage hills. #runner #runnergirl #womenrunning #runnerproblems #injuredrunner #okc #ok #okwb #myoklahoma #runokc #runok #nike #nikerunner #run
We went to The Wedge in Deep Duece after a bunch of beers at Tapwerks yesterday. It was a good decision and there were leftovers. The best! 
Dead Guy Ale is back in Oklahoma City! We had it at The Root and at Tapwerks! The beer distributor gave us a t-shirt too, which was super cool. 
Ryan's art is up at The Root this month and next month, we'll have it at another gallery. If you haven't gotten his book, you should! It's called "A Man Between Sunset and Wisteria" and it's an adventure/mystery/love book. 

1 comment:

I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)