Thursday, August 4, 2016

Running and August goals

@grammylicious_ww tagged me for #stopdropandchug which I definitely needed today during and after @redcoyoterunning #packpintrun! My #injuredankle was not cooperating tonight but at two miles I found a good stride. I walked the last mile as a cool down. I'm on my second bottle of #water. I'm #happy with today's #halfmarathontraining #run. #runner #runnergirl #womenrunning #runnerproblems #injuredrunner #okc #ok #okwb #myoklahoma #runokc #runok #nike #nikerunner #run
I made it my goal to not drink any form of alcohol Monday through Thursday. And then on August first, I forgot when I was at The Root working details out for an impromptu show for my hubby. I was beer pressured or peer pressured into a glass. Afterwards, I remembered. D'oh!
I managed to lose 2 pounds on Wednesday. Here's hoping more will follow with this new reduction in alcohol.
August is the start of half marathon training, which means running 4 days a week instead of 3. I'm looking forward to a good season but my ankle is still healing. I'm not sure how well that's going to go. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for running! I've got two half marathons coming up at the end of the year and I can't wait!


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