Thursday, January 14, 2016

Stuff and things: running edition

I'm super proud to say that last year I ran a total of 800 miles. Woot woot!
Why aren't screen shots in focus? Weird right?
This year, I want to run 1000 miles. I have yet to figure out how to put that into my Nike app. 
Not possible perhaps?
I lost a lot of my speed since I took a break from running to go out of the country. 
This was the treadmill run, where someone touched finish on my treadmill when I wasn't finished. Boo!
Oh my goodness, this run I was out of breath the entire time! I was talking and I was running faster than normal. 
This run was bananas because it was snowing. It got to a point where running was not a good idea. So we walked and made it back with no injury. Winning!
So half marathon training is ramping up but there's a new class at the gym. Do I take the class and skip one run a week?
I am thinking about it. On the nutrition front, I will no longer enjoy the free breakfast on Wednesdays at work. Small steps being taken here. I'm considering veggies and eggs instead of oatmeal. I need all the protein and oatmeal can't provide that. 

1 comment:

I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)