Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Weight Loss Wednesday

It is obvious to me that I do have a problem with food. I do not know portion control and self control. Last night, I was at Bricktown Brewery enjoying a good bye party for my friend. Congratulating her on the move to Dallas. (A bigger and better city than Oklahoma City, in my mind. Sorry, Okies. I haven't embraced OKC fully yet. I blame that on the tornadoes.)

Chips were ordered and I didn't stop eating them. I dipped in the guacamole and queso for most of the night. Then I had the brilliant idea to order a chicken quesadilla. Which I ate more than half. Topped off with 3 Coors light. I was not ready to weigh in this morning. I dreaded it. I went to spin class and then after I did step on the scale.


This is exactly one pound more than last week. I had to look into the myfitnesspal archives to feel better. Over a year ago, I weighed in at 142. In 2008, I weighed in over 149. Progress has been made. I know some of that pound is from last night but I have to believe some of that pound is from muscle gain. Two weeks ago, I switched to classes instead of mostly running. Monday/Wednesday is spin and Tuesday/Thursday is body pump. 

Lastly, I can't look to just the scale. How do my clothes feel? I know from past experience what feels tight in my clothes and that's not what I'm feeling today. Progress has been made. While I know the struggle will never end and I know I have a problem, I will continue my journey and focus on good health.

The scale is a JERK.

Here's a another photo of Chomps and Kirby. They are cute and annoying at the same time. I'm linking up with Ashley at Ash's Step in the Right Direction for Weigh In Wednesday.

Weigh In Wednesday



  1. I wish it worked where every single victory we had shows up on the scales. There are so many great choices we make, and some weeks they just don't add up to a victory on the scale. It sounds like, however, you know that. I have to keep reminding myself that we don't exist in a bubble. In the past if I was trying to get healthy, I wouldn't go somewhere because of the food. I made a promise to myself that I would never do that again. So I just keep trying to get better. Now if I don't do so great at a party or whatever I still log everything and figure up the calories. This helps me to make a realistic plan for the next time. I keep getting better and better at handling situations. It sounds like so are you :) Great job!!!


  2. Portion control is easy---it's the SELF control that is the toughest!! I'm constantly talking myself off the ledge in my head!!

  3. Portion control is my downfall as well. I just can't say no once I've said yes.

  4. Portion control was always my biggest downfall. And you definitely have to pay attention to your clothes and other areas to see progress. The scale can't totally define our progress.


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