Thursday, October 15, 2015

Stuff and Things

-I'd like to thank the bloggers that commented on yesterday's post. Your sweet comments always help me out!
-The half marathon training is back on for Route 66 in Tulsa. This time, I'm running by myself on purpose. I'll be running intervals because those hills are mountainous. 
-My nutrition has not been spot on. Thankfully, I'm not the only one with an expanding waistline. Misery does love company. 
-Tomorrowish, will be a legit post on this beer and the Red Earth Brewers club meeting. I say -ish because I hate commitment and body pump starts at 5:30 am. 

1 comment:

I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)