Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Pizzeria Gusto and half marathon training

We went here Saturday night and while I loved the food, Blue did not. (Blue is my husband and that's his nickname.) he didn't like the beer two selection and the pizza had exotic vegetables that he did not enjoy. 

I enjoyed the apps and the pizza. I actually like vegetables. 

I can agree on the beer selection though. There was no stand out beers that grabbed my attention. 

I managed to snag the last slice. Between all five of us, there were two apps and two pizzas and not a left over bite. 

After that, we went to The Pump where I drank too much and can't remember tabbing out. I'm pretty sure I did pay the bill though. 

Yesterday was three miles and today was four. I'm really loving the Nike app and getting cheers from Facebook during my run. Are you on the Nike app? Friend me and I'll challenge you to a race. It'll be fun! Are you on Facebook? Friend me and cheer me on! Are you on myfitnesspal? Friend me there too and I'll like your posts and successes. 

Happy Tuesday friends!


  1. I want all of this food now!!! :)

  2. I'm picky about pizza. Did you have Moose's Tooth in Anchorage? Sometimes I dream about that place…Chicken Bacon Ranch was my favorite.
    "Don't remember tabbing out" lol


I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)