Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for good food, good nutrition, and the wisdom to eat right. This week, I have been on a personal cleanse. It's not over but I am over the half way point. I have used two websites as resources: here and here. I have snacked all day on good foods like strawberries and edamame.

I am also thankful that my mouth is healing. Once fully healed, I will be able to eat crunchy foods better, like carrots.

Finally, I am thankful for my support group. I have IRL friends and beautiful online friends. These people have pushed me in the right direction and encouraged me to be my best. I am truly blessed to have met these wonderful bloggers and tweeters. Most of my support system is found in social media and at the moment its almost all on twitter.

Kristine Mel The Get Fit Mom Marcy Erica Leslie

Please stay tuned for high five for Friday.


  1. yum, yum, and yum! You're halfway thru the cleanse!! Yayyyy!! Hey what spices/seasonings did you use for the spag squash? Yours looks extra yummy. I'm thankful for you too! You're so motivating and always so supportive!!

  2. So glad you are feeling better! Happy Thursday my friend!


I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)