Saturday, March 1, 2014


I had to have this hat because it reminds me of the Thunder's mascot: Rumble the Bison. Going to a Thunder game is tons of fun! There's music, cheerleaders, giveaways, and all other sorts of entertainment. I've seen some OKC bloggers complain about going to a Thunder game. It's too loud for those people. I find the noise energizing. Everyone is cheering the Thunder on and we live up to the nickname "Loud City". 
Westbrook shooting a free throw.

The Thunder had a great lead throughout the entire game but at the end it appeared they were losing steam. The Grizzlies were catching up. That fourth quarter was a nail biter and I was hollerin' as loud as possible.

R and his fries.

We were so close to the front row and all the action. We refer to this section as the fry section. These thunder fries are handed out to bang and distract the opponents. I have a feeling that on occasion it was effective. The people in front of us decided to leave after the third quarter, so I had tons of space to bang my thunder fries.
The score.

In the end, we were ahead and one of the Grizzlies decided to foul us when there was 0.7 seconds left in the game. Sore loser? Perhaps. We got two more free throws to clinch the victory. What a good game! When the opportunity arises to go again (free work tickets) we will be back and hollerin' to push the Thunder to victory again.

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