Saturday, March 9, 2013

Silly Saturday: D'oh Edition

When the Simpsons first came out, I was in junior high. My parents didn't see the humor and didn't want me to watch it. Being the perfect first born (any first borns out there?) I didn't watch it until I met my husband. Guys change you. We own most of the seasons and we DVR the new episodes to watch later. Impressively, this is the longest running show ever, which makes perfect sense since no one ages ever.

Recently, a Simpsons game has come out: The Simpsons Tapped Out. I can't stop playing this mindless game. If you need something to fill your time with entertainment, buy this game. Technically, its free for iPhone and iPad but there's in app purchases that I never buy.

"Alcohol: the cause and solution to all of life's problems." Homer J Simpson

Is anyone else a Simpsons fan? What's your favorite quote?
Below is an image from the game. Please stay tuned for serious Sunday or make a difference Monday. I haven't decided yet.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love The Simpsons! I remember when they built the house in Vegas it was awesome! :)


I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)