Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Letters

Dear Sunday,
Let's get lots accomplished so the rest of the week goes smoothly.

Dear weekend in Kansas City,
I have never stayed up so late every night like that before. It was worth it to spend time with my hubby, my buddy, and my new friends. I am tired and actually need to take a break from all adult beverages (most all adult beverages.) The wedding was beautiful and I am needing to get the photos off my camera. 

Dear Plaza in Kansas City,
You are gorgeous and I plan to come back and visit again. The shops, restaurants, cafe's and bars need to be visited by me.

Dear Starbucks,
Thanks for bringing the salted caramel mocha frappiccino back. I love it in all its sweet and salty goodness. Let's keep it around forever. Thank you.

Dear Chomps and Kirby,
I'm sorry we had to leave you alone for two days but I am back.  You can go back to sleep now. Instead all you want to do is talk but I'm not in the mood to talk to you. 

Dear work week,
I pray you are prosperous this week. I pray that I do excellent at my job. I pray my workouts are good and my nutrition is top notch.

Dear Hubby,
I love you.

Dear God,
Thank you for all your blessings. I pray for wisdom to use my strengths to glorify you. Amen.

Cheers to a good weekend for all my bloggy friends. Let's swap weekend stories! Photo is of the scenery on our way to Kansas City, Missouri. Taken on iphone while moving. E N D


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