Thursday, March 29, 2012

We Need Balance

Tonight, I attended a seminar on the work/life balance that most women struggle with. Apparently, we are born with at least two genes that make us feel guilty. We feel guilty for many things such as working instead of taking care of family or taking care of ourselves instead of working. We have to learn that it is ok to let stuff go and to pick our battles. Its important to be present where we are at that moment in time whether its work or home or helping out in the community. We need to understand that sacrifices and choices are made. Don't stress out! Be happy with what you have. Understand work/life balance does not mean the same for every person. We all have different priorities, which dictates how we handle the equation. This was an enlightening seminar, which also had some good career advice. I'll share that next time.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that you enjoyed the conference!! I think it is always a good reminder to work on balance. It can be so easy to put to much into certain things and forget everything else. I think God wants us to listen to him as to where our balance should be. And that we should find the joys for the season we are in now. Love you and so glad you got a tot from it!=)


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