Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Epic Battle with the Economy

Today’s rating is Negative.

I am continuing my struggle with finding a job and with a deadline looming it doesn’t seem as if this feat is possible. The last time I was in the job market, I was hunting for ten hours a day, six days a week. Finding a job is a full-time job and yet I’ve been trying to accomplish this in part-time hours.

I am praying for wisdom, strength, patience, and hope. Its clear that I am not strong enough to do it on my own. I’m not alone with Jesus Christ on my side. I survey my situation and I can see that things won’t work in my timing. So, do I just throw the towel in and wait for God to put the job on a silver platter and deliver it to my door? I think there is a balance between the hunt and the providence of God. I wish I had that balance in my heart, mind, and soul right now. Thank you for your support.

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