Monday, January 14, 2013

Make a difference Monday

Welcome to make a difference Monday. I may not have any specific story to tell but I'm still here. I believe in the power of giving back and making our world a better place. I'm writing today to remind myself and you to think of others, think of your community, and think of what little efforts can be made to help make our world better. If you have a story to share or a nonprofit to highlight, please email me. I'll get it on my blog. I want my blog to be a positive place to make a difference for everyone. Perhaps a lofty goal but something to strive for. Please stay tuned for weight loss Wednesday.


  1. Giving back to the community is one thing I try to always do.

  2. Hi,Would like to introduce you to "SEVENLY"
    This group helps different groups of people each week! It's really great :)
    You can read a post I did about it at my blog :)



I love all comments, questions, and positive feedback. Constructive criticism is questionable. Joking, a little. :)